اسپیکر جهت دار اولتراسونیک بلوتوثی
30,000,000 تومان
این نوع اسپیکر، از تکنولوژی اولتراسونیک برای انتقال صدا در یک جهت و راستا استفاده می کند و صدا را مانند یک پرتو نور با طول 10 متر انتقال می دهد. همچنین می توان بصورت بلوتوثی یا با استفاده از کابل AUX از این سیستم استفاده کرد.
ولتاژ کاری: 15 تا 24 ولت
میزان صدا: قابل تنظیم
These speakers generate directional audio in an accurate, fixed shape and direction with a precision similar to that of light. The audio is delivered to the targeted area with clarity and crucially does not add to any increase in ambient noise within nearby surroundings.
The directional sound speakers work in a completely different way to conventional loudspeakers. Conventional speakers typically produce audible sound waves with a singular, moving electromagnetic cone and coil. Contrastingly, directional speakers generate ultrasound waves (high-frequency sound) modulated with audio signal and as the waves pass through air they demodulate and sound can be heard. Ultrasonic waves possess a shorter wavelength, resulting in a small divergence of a sound beam.