هات اند Hotend پرینتر سه بعدی E3D V5 قطر نازل 0.3 میلی متر
280,000 تومان
The hot end is where the heated filament comes out and moves across the print bed to create your 3D object! Since this is where the filament heats up & partially liquefies, it gets quite hot (260 degrees celsius!) and is insulated from the rest of the printer. This 3D printers includes with 0.3mm nozzles as standard, but there are many other sizes available.
The 3D printer nozzle is a veritable world of options. Brass is the preferred material for factory-shipped default nozzles but while fine for softer materials like PLA and ABS, filaments with tough additives such as carbon fiber will quickly wear away and deform a brass nozzle’s opening. For specialist filaments, 3D printer nozzle materials like stainless steel and ruby are preferred.
Hotend ensures that heat does not move up the filament and melt it prematurely before it reaches the nozzle. This phenomenon is called heat creep and it causes jams, especially with PLA.
All-metal hot ends are able to reach much higher temperatures and print a wider range of materials. However, they require active cooling.
3D printer
DIY projects
Filament inlet diameter: 1.75 mm
Nozzle diameter: 0.3 mm
Has a pneumatic interface